Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Life and its difficult choices…


And if that wasn’t enough in itself, a righteous upbringing makes the weigh-in between right, wrong and the grey very compulsory.Inconvenient and unnecessarily so. New crossroads at  every turn, I doubt if I’ll ever get accustomed to its confusing challenges. I’ve hated making so many choices in my life. Most of the times I did it with my back against the wall. But never have I hated it as much as this one.

“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -- I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.” –Robert Frost

2 scribbled up the vine:

punk princess said...

I have no idea which particular area you are talking about but I can absolutely connect with the feeling.
Every decision has a consequence and an opportunity cost. Only thing matters is what you rate higher? the loss or the gain. :)

One just gotta make peace with the gains, if that outweighs the loss.


SP said...

Decisions are always hard to make because evaluating different alternatives before you know what could have actually connected.

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