Saturday, May 24, 2008

SO u think you aren't good enough for the world..
that they will stop singing your praises one day?
so u think, everything is just so pointless ...
when one day everyone is going to meet one common end?
so u think, nobody gives a damn about anyone else...
everyone is playing a role, each striving for their own grand finale?
so u think, money is a name for golden dirt ...
no wonder it makes the world go round ?
so u think, books are a coward's succor.
and that life isn't worth that weak a gamble?
so u think, today i care for you.
and tomorrow i will move on to greener pastures?
so u think, u know what i am capable of.
by playing cunning games to get to my truths?
And now u think, whatever i write is a hopeless show.
just like a pantomime playing for the blind...

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